Saloncide Barber’s disinfectant has an extremely low hazard rating, dramatically reducing COSHH risk. Saloncide kills 99.998% of most common bacteria, fungi & viruses, and exceeds EN test standards. Saloncide has also recently been certified to be extremely effective against Covid-19.
Not only is Saloncide Barber’s disinfectant alcohol, acid, solvent, bleach & paraben free, but also non-irritant, non- toxic, non-flammable & fragrance free. The key benefit is the versatility to clean & sanitise a multitude of surfaces, areas and equipment in one simple step, continuing to work on tools & surfaces long after application.
Saloncide addresses the issue raised by the Health & Safety Executive that “Alcohol-based disinfection is less suitable for items contaminated with blood, skin & nail dust” and the requirement that “the disinfectant must be capable if inactivating bacteria & blood borne viruses”
Proven to be effective against: Coronaviruses INCLUDING COVID-19, MRSA, HIV-1, E.coli, Hepatitis B, Influenza A (Inc H1N1), Salmonella, Legionella, Staphylococcus, Listeria, Pseudomonas, Tuberculosis and many more.
Effective to Test Standards: EN14776, EN1276, EN13727, EN1650, EN13624,EN14348.